Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Super Bowl

Ok, so I'm really not much of a football fan. Not at all normally. But I was born in Seattle, have family there on both my husband's and my side, so naturally, I was at my sister's this weekend watching the Seahawks game. I really don't know much, but I asked questions when something happened that I didn't understand and really got into it. I think I don't really watch football because I get invested in my team too much and I'm a really sore loser sometimes. It's not a good feeling to me to get invested in the games and get so angry at the referees when I think they made a bad call, or when another player is mean to one of my team players. It just does not feel good, to get all that emotion welled up inside me. I would much rather just hear about the results of the game later and then be happy or disappointed later. But when it comes to the Super Bowl, it is a big enough event that I feel I need to be involved in it, especially this year.

My favorite part of the game though? Good sportsmanship. I love to see it when people from opposite teams help each other up, and give them a nice pat as if to say, "Nice tackle." So with this being my favorite part, I was really upset by the ending of the game when Sherman and Crabtree had their little spout. I believe Sherman was taunting Crabtree to the point that he got shoved, but I also think Crabtree may have been a little bit of a jerk as well; one sore winner and one sore loser... thus, the interview with Sherman where he yelled and called Crabtree out. I really don't care about all this, I was just upset that they all couldn't have been good sports, and I will think no more, nor comment anymore on the subject.

Another point though: that guy on the sidelines that hit the Seahawks player that went out of bounds needs to be found and fined. That was not cool.

Media really does affect you. That's why I know I don't like to watch football, because I know how I get, and I hate getting like that. But I know I will be watching the game, come Groundhog Day.

GO HAWKS!!! :) :) :)


  1. I agree, that game was pretty hard to watch with all the fighting going on. I also feel the same as you, I would much rather find out the score at the end than feel all the emotions throughout the game. My husband though, born and raised a Seahawks fan, would never allow it so we will also be cheering them on come the Superbowl.

  2. I agree too! There was a ton of fighting in that game! But I feel like most boys enjoy it on some level...but I do love the Seahawks and their amazing uniforms!! Go Seahawks!
