Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Too Cute!

Ok, so I've been DYING to have a dog lately. Not to offend Jayde, (my ball python) but she's not exactly a playful pet. I really really really want a dog, but it is definitely not a good time in our lives, or financially in any way... So alas, my dreams will have to be suppressed. Sometimes, to suppress the want for my own dog, I will visit others who do have a dog. And then I will be full of puppy love, and not need to dream of having my own. Of course, this often backfires... but do I care? NO! I love dogs and I want to be around them.

So lately, I found this show on Netflix called "Too Cute!" It is literally 8 episodes of different breeds of puppies and kittens growing up and going to forever homes, or growing up to be show dogs or seeing eye dogs or agility champions. It is ADORABLE! I just die because of the cuteness of these animals. It even features some Savannah Cats, which is another dream pet of mine. So so so so so so so cute! I cannot get enough! 8 episodes is not enough, guys... The Chow puppies are so fluffy! And the Bengal cats are so active! Anyway, this show is pretty much the best. No hints of violence or aggression, (other than puppy play-fake aggression), just a good, wholesome show. Anyway, it's cute, go watch!

Here's some cute puppy and kitten pictures of some of my favorite breeds. Enjoy your dose of cute for the day!!


 Savannah Kitten

                                            Australian Shepherds. (So fluffy!)

                                            This is a Bengal kitten. Beautiful markings!

The Chow Chow. So much fur!!!

And the Siamese. Awwww!!!!!!!

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