Friday, January 17, 2014

New Update:

Wow, it has been a looooooong time since I have blogged... Sorry about that. Not that any of you were really disappointed... I will now be posting twice a week beause I am in a media class and this is a form of media that I am using right now. Anyway, so to start off the class, we were asked to fill out a worksheet of our estimated use of media during the weekdays and the weekends. It was measured in a number of hours, and pretty munch EVERYTHING is a form of media. We had to estimate how often we watched TV, movies, listened to music, read a book, got on the internet, used facebook and so on. Thn we were asked to calculate it all out and record our estimated hours spent on media per week.

So, my big reveal: 196 hours. A week.

"Wait a second" - you're thinking - "How many hours are there in a week?" Oh, you know, 24 X 7 = 168... And yet, my projected hours are more than that. How, you may ask? It's because there are many times when I will have my computer open and I will be on the internet while sitting in front of the TV, or have my phone out and looking at it while the TV is on. I use more than one form of media simultaneously. At first, I was all "Well, my entire job requires me to be on the computer and on the internet constantly, so that's a big chunk of it." Boy was I in denial. I only work 16 hours a week at that job. So that puts me at 180 hours a week when I'm not at work. Still more hours than there are in a week. Take into consideration though, that these hours include any reading of textbooks or using the internet for homework, or taking notes in class on a computer, and things like that.

Either way though, my constant use of media, every hour of every day is a little sickening... This much media has got to be having some kind of effect or influence on me. And that is the point of this class: to see just how the media can do that. This is what I will be investigating all semester, so I will keep you updated on what I find.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was at about 200 hours a week, so I totally know how you feel. I was shocked at how much media I use. I'm plugged in constantly. It will be really interesting to learn how media affects us this semester. Cool post!
